If you are using older drivers then 180.29 version you should* install new drivers so you will have better performence with 180.29 version. Don’t worry it is piece of cake to install it on your ubuntu.
Firstly, go on ( System->Administration->Software Sources ) then click on “Third-Party software” tab. Now you should see a button “+Add” shows on it.
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/anders-kaseorg/ppa/ubuntu intrepid main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/anders-kaseorg/ppa/ubuntu intrepid main
As you see above there is two lines of address. You should add them one-by-one by clicking this “+Add” button. when you are done with that it is time to get PPA keys for this repository.
Now use there commands
cd ~/Desktop
gedit temp.key
A Gedit window should be appear now. Then paste this key code inside of that window.
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: SKS 1.0.10 mI0ESXak3QEEAKTdBfrFtEvBel4kluGh2d99v56PzgPB4gJKz5wET4sItbxZDU9hA61kt1hl o/84l1696hWQvnVCXrXOI2g7ZW3RD/xs/HTG6gBcVjPAW7StXYQ6sLWNEu3mgZ4FA9RdEox2 38F0kqqozx187Tvq/OQBHVzPekcdQkaWPf8QkbJ3ABEBAAG0IExhdW5jaHBhZCBQUEEgZm9y IEFuZGVycyBLYXNlb3JniEYEExECAAYFAkl3qLwACgkQG9iXoSX6XFaRLgCeLdHCeGYski0Q YDIfiytgNzH5uFcAoIjEEHAXY9Z4N/nBDurP/Dzx/8M0iLYEEwECACAFAkl2pN0CGwMGCwkI BwMCBBUCCAMEFgIDAQIeAQIXgAAKCRBimK00QTV2y8i7A/0XzwwjyTWdbcShItGhK4E3l/n0 Lq2JtCtJsjKphOOoE6pW3AjnrGayKZ5FNJoRVZYXNzIaeHhv6qlxdVTNiftUxIXJGOKRmCFJ jYiltLTmJH+IGOCZAfMlT72AVKOLygEudLHF3KgdCX5/aW7sjCGtuvLJopL6zkcJpiJfoe2e JA== =ZaVk -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Then just save it. If this key above doesn’t works then try http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0x026491A5DD081BDC6CDFC0DE6298AD34413576CB&op=index this link so you can find current key there. Now we are really close to make nvidia 180.29 working on our ubuntu. Now go on ( System->Administration->Software Sources ) then click on Authentication tab then you will see “+ Import Key File” button there. Click on it and find your “temp.key” file on your Desktop. Then click ok there you go now you are ready to make it work.
By the way you must be sure your old driver is working on 3D mode. Now open terminal again and write this commands
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-180
When it prompts on screen press “Y” button on your keyboard then Enter button. Now all you have to do it give it some time. After a quick restart you will have your drivers running you computer